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Alfandre Architecture PC
231 Main Street Suite 201 • New Paltz, NY 12561
ph: 845.255.4774
fx: 845.255.3440
Tom Passero
"They evaluated everything from the consumption of energy, the types of systems for HVAC, the windows, insulation, noise, et cetera, et cetera. Maybe this is standard practice for any architectural design firm to do, but for me, it was brand new, and it was absolutely priceless from …
A man spending a couple of million dollars wants to feel comfortable doing that, and I got comfortable through Rick's and Joe's help."
Gail Buckland
"Rick Alfandre understood that my biggest concern was not how many bedrooms, but how I wanted to live in the world, how I wanted to interact with my environment.
It's a passive solar house. I wake up and think, "Oh my god, with all these windows facing out and the sun coming in and I'm just as warm as toast, that this is remarkable"
Tom Kelly
"For a 7,000-square-foot house occupied by an elder couple that keeps the house at 76 degrees, most people would run out of money paying their energy bills, but the electric bill is actually about the same as my electric bill in my 1,000-square-foot condo."
Maurey Levitz
"I thought it was a benefit to use an architect who was familiar with the people and the rules and the circumstances of building within New Paltz. ...
Rick Alfandre is the best architect I've ever worked with."
Athena Drewes
They achieved everything that we wanted and more. It's a beautiful space. ...
It has really been enjoyable both spiritually, visually and financially in terms of maintaining it. ... Having the benefits of all the things that we ever hoped for.